Friday, March 2, 2018

How to Stop a Dog From Digging in the Yard

Have you noticed your dog digging a hole in your garden and you wonder why? In fact, you might view it as misbehavior. You are not alone in this because many dog owners find this behavior shocking when first identified. However, you should understand that digging holes is a common canine behavior. In other words, dogs just like their ancestors in the world, can’t resist digging. In fact, the act is intrinsic and they find pleasure in it.

To clear the confusion your dog’s digging behavior might have caused, let’s look at why do dogs dig holes in the backyard. Having said that, here are reasons why your dog can’t stop digging holes in your backyard.

Why Do Dogs Dig Holes In The Backyard

i. Burying valuables
The behavior of a dog digging holes is a way of hiding food materials. This trait is inborn and inherited from the ancestors. They do this to store food away from scavengers in a similar way that you rely on the refrigerator to store your food. If you are thinking of how to stop this behavior, provide rewards through exercises such as playtime or long walks with the people the pet loves.

ii. Foraging for food
An industrious dog discovers that digging attentively in specific parts of the yard will produce yummy self-obtained food. Most dogs keep themselves busy by digging holes. In fact, they enjoy the challenge of yanking out roots. Notably, research has found out that, some dogs will uncover and eat roots, sticks and dark soil. Any foraging that results into tasty snacks from the soil is a meaningful endeavor for some species.

iii. Separation anxiety and boredom
When you leave for work and leave your dog at home it might experience separation anxiety. For this reason, the dog might start digging holes in the backyard to counteract boredom. On the other hand, it’s a way of preventing escaping from home to go looking for you.
Once the dog tires and get bored of napping, going in and out of its kennel, and looking out through the windows in anticipation that it might see you, will opt to go digging in the backyard to keep itself busy. To help your dog and stop it from digging holes in your backyard provide an enjoyable diversion such as a rubber toy. Additionally, you can provide a mentally challenging puzzle that has hidden safe to eat rewards.

iv. Trying to escape
When dogs are lonely due to confinement in the homestead and find someone or something to play with on the other side of the fence, they will definitely dig trying to create a passage. Moreover, when a female dog is on heat and there is an interested male, they will try anything possible to get together and it involves digging under the fence. If your dog has dug holes in your backyard you should fill them up. Additionally, block any distractions and temptations.

Bottom Line

The digging behavior of a dog is inborn. It has been inherited from the ancestors. So, don’t get shocked if you find your dog digging holes in the backyard. Reasons, why dogs dig holes in the backyard, are, as shared above. So take it easy anytime you find your dog digging because it’s normal. Just fill the hole and find provide an alternative way of distracting it and stopping the digging behavior.


The post How to Stop a Dog From Digging in the Yard appeared first on Tools Bestseller.

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