Friday, March 2, 2018

How To Dig A Fire Pit In Your Backyard

There’s nothing better than sitting around a fire pit with your family and friends, with the stars shining in the night sky above. Telling old and new stories as the children learn to make smores or burn marshmallows that they try to roast. If this is a favorite thing of yours then what would not be better than having your own fire pit right in your own backyard. Follow these steps and that dream of having that fireplace is yours.Yes learn how to dig a fire pit in your backyard!

Steps on How To Dig A Fire Pit In Your Backyard

First, it’s always good to check where you live to see if it is ok to build a fire pit in your yard. Once that’s taken care of the next step is getting your supplies. There are many different ways and objects you can use in making your pit. The one in peculiar that I am telling you how to make needs these following supplies:

String, spade shovel, couple bags of sand, around 20 rocks around the size of a melon and around 110 bricks. So once you have all your supplies the next thing to do is pick a location, avoid under trees and a nice spot in a corner of your works good. Then you need to measure out a hole. Diameter should be 4 or 5 feet, from there make an X in the middle of the grass where you want the pit to be. If you use some string you can make a circle around the X and then make sure that you measure all of these spots with a tape measure. Now on to digging the hole, the hole should be 10 inches deep, make the sides angled out. It should look similar to a bowl with a flat bottom.

So once you have all your supplies the next thing to do is pick a location, avoid under trees and a nice spot in a corner of your works good. Then you need to measure out a hole. Diameter should be 4 or 5 feet, from there make an X in the middle of the grass where you want the pit to be.

If you use some string you can make a circle around the X and then make sure that you measure all of these spots with a tape measure. Now on to digging the hole, the hole should be 10 inches deep, make the sides angled out. It should look similar to a bowl with a flat bottom.

Then you need to measure out a hole. Diameter should be 4 or 5 feet, from there make an X in the middle of the grass where you want the pit to be. If you use some string you can make a circle around the X and then make sure that you measure all of these spots with a tape measure.

Now on to digging the hole, the hole should be 10 inches deep, make the sides angled out. It should look similar to a bowl with a flat bottom.

Next, you can use the spade to spade off grass around the perimeter approximately a foot back. Then you will line the inside perimeter of the pit with bricks that you should place vertically, try and get the bricks as close together as they will go and then bury them about 2 inches. For this, you will need about 30 bricks.

Arrange the rocks around the top of the ring of the pit, pushing them into the soil a bit. This will have the rocks sitting on top of the bricks. Try fit the rocks close as possible to each other, like they are spooning.

On the dirt circle just outside the inside pit lay the remaining bricks into the dirt on their sides creating a hearth, the rocks will come up to about the middle of the rocks pointing out like rays from the sun, the sun being the middle pit. Then with the rest of the bricks make a row behind the bricks pointing out, this will make an O around the pit containing everything.

To finish off you will dump sand in the center and spread around consistently. Then stand back and take a look at your job well done.

No matter young or old people love sitting around the fire pit. It’s a place to share stories and make new memories. This is a pretty basic and easy fire pit to make, so what are you waiting for?

Build yourself that fire pit your back yard needs so you can be the one making those memories with your family and friends.

The post How To Dig A Fire Pit In Your Backyard appeared first on Tools Bestseller.

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